Conflict Sensitive Journalism and Communication in Nepal: A Baseline Study


This study provides baseline information on Conflict-sensitive Journalism (CSJ) and Communication in Nepal. It is divided into five chapters. While the first chapter presents an introduction, the second and third have a literature review and research design respectively. The fourth chapter has a presentation and analysis with major findings captured in the final section.

Recommendations presented by the study place a great emphasis on the need for a regular assessment to track the level of conflict sensitivity and sustainable collaborations among media houses to promote conflict-sensitive journalism and professionalism of journalists. One of the recommendations calls for regularly conducting content analysis of news outlets and other mass media of Nepal to track the state of conflict sensitivity in Nepali media. Besides, conflict sensitivity among Nepali journalists and their understanding of conflict-sensitive journalism needs to be assessed. Institutional endeavors vis-à-vis the promotion of Conflict-sensitive Journalism and Communication should remain a newsroom priority. Media institutions, academics, CSOs and journalists should together explore a working modality to this effect. For instance, incorporating CSJ in the journalism curricula of universities can be instrumental in bringing about a much-needed change.