Chairman, Dept. of Communication, Bangalore University International Media Researcher
Dr. B. K. Ravi, Professor & Chairman, Department of Communication, Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi Campus, has Thirty Years of teaching and research experience. During his academic tenure, he has presented Research papers in India and abroad including USA, Poland, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Kenya, Qatar, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada and China. He has published articles in International Research Journals, guided eight students for doctoral studies and adjudicated many theses for National and International universities.. He has chaired nearly fourteen scientific sessions at international conferences in different countries. Dr.B.K.Ravi was on the Scientific Committee of the First International Forum on Media & Information Literacy constituted jointly by UNESCO and University of Fez, Morocco, Africa, where he chaired a session on „Media and Information Systems Worldwide- Critical Analysis‟ and also presented a paper titled „Information Literacy and the theory of Out-Of-Reach’. Prof. Ravi was an invitee to a prestigious International workshop on Broad Band Policy held in 2012 at Washington DC Organized Jointly by Ford Foundation and Penn. State University, Dr.Ravi is the member of Editorial Boards of Journal of National Mission for Media Literacy, USA, Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism, David Publishing House, USA, Academic Research International, Pakistan, Asia Pacific Journal of Arts, Education and Sciences, Philliphines, Member, Editorial Board, Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Development and Social Change and Member, International Editorial Advisory Board Media and Communication Review, Lagos State University, Nigeria. He has published six books on Media. He has produced more than 25 programmes for TV including many documentaries. He has also to his credit, nearly 20 productions for Radio, besides 67 talks on radio.
His television Documentary “PILIKULA” has bagged the prestigious Documentary Award-2015, conferred during the Global Communication Conclave in New Delhi in April 2015. Dr.Ravi”s well acclaimed Television Documentaries are “Wanderers Of Karnataka”, “Making of National Flag”. Prof.Ravi was invited to deliver a Special Lecture on “Indian Media Industry” in Bridge Water State University, USA in November 2013. He is the Member, National Executive Council and former Chairman of Public Relations Council of India, Karnataka Chapter, President, Karnataka Journalism and Communication Teachers Association. He is the Secretary-General, National Council-India of Asia Communication Media Congress,(ACMC) Philippines. Also, the Advisory Board Member of Global Communication Association, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
Recently his Book on Political Communication entitled “Modern Media Elections and Democracy” was published by SAGE Publications. Dr. B. K. Ravi was the Registrar of Bangalore University and Presently he is the Professor and Chairman of Department of Communication, Bangalore University.