Seminar on Safety and Gender Sensitivity in Media


A day long seminar on safety of women journalists in South Asia focusing Bangladesh and Nepal has been successfully organized at BRAC Center, Dhaka on July 21, 2018. The seminar organized by ARTICLE19 South Asia Office was addressed by Mr. Laxman Datt Pant, Chairperson of Media Action (MAN) and Ms. Kalpana Acharya, Editor-in-Chief of Health TV Online as the international experts to share current media development scenario and the status of women journalists in Nepal.

The seminar attended by a total of 30 active women journalists of Bangladesh working in remote districts with different media outlets ranging from newspapers, radio to television and online media was facilitated by Ms. Tahmina Rahman, ARTICLE 19’s Regional Director for South Asia and Bangladesh. She highlighted on the ARTICLE 19’s works in relations to defending freedom of expression and protecting women journalists in Bangladesh and beyond. Interacting with the participants, MAN Chairperson Mr. Pant has presented an analysis on the key components of newly drafted Mass Communication Policy of Nepal shedding light on need for amendment as per the international principles. Ms. Acharya interacted with participants on gender sensitivity at newsroom and responded to the queries on professional and physical safety of women journalists.

Women journalists shared about difficulties and threats they face during reporting from different quarters of the society. The seminar organized as part of quarterly meeting of women journalists has agreed to form an association of women journalists and media workers in the next meeting to defend the rights of women journalists. ARTICLE 19 which shares working partnerships with Media Action Nepal (MAN) has been providing technical and legal assistance to women journalists to create safe working environment.