Media Action Nepal apposes Social Media Bill that threatens civil liberties and press freedom
Media Action Nepal apposes Social Media Bill that threatens civil liberties and press freedom
MEDIA ACTION NEPAL/February 3 : The Government of Nepal (GoN) has strategically presented a Social Media Bill (SMB) in the Upper House with heavy penalties ranging from NPR 50,000 to NPR 10 million to stifle dissenting voices, as imposing heavy penalties is the ultimate way for the authorities to instill an ambience of fear amongst the general public.
Media Action Nepal has been relentlessly opposing through its interventions, as it’s a matter of immense concern that we collectively voice for the repeal of SMB.
We have expressed our concerns about SMB through various media, including broadcasting, online, and newspapers.
For detailed insights, refer to the following analyses and media coverage:
- Media Action Nepal’s Analysis: Nepal’s Social Media Bill puts Freedom of Expression in Jeopardy
- The Kathmandu Post Editorial : A delicate balance (Citing Media Action Nepal’s Analysis)
- Ratopati TV/ratopati.com Interview Executive Director Laxman Datt Pant : सामाजिक सञ्जाल विधेयक खारेज हुनुपर्छ । Social Media Bill
- News24 TV Interview with the Executive Director : सोसल मिडियामा कडा सजाय र जरिवाना, मिडिया र न्यूजरुममा पनि हस्तक्षेपको खतरा । CHHA PRASNA
- Avenues TV Interview with the Executive Director : सरकारले प्रस्ताव गरेका अधिकांश प्रावधानले अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रतामा बन्देज लगाउन सक्ने के के छ ?
- The Himalayan Times: Media Action Nepal opposes Social Media Bill, warns of grave threat to free speech
- The Annapurna Express: Media Action Nepal opposes Social Media Bill, warns of grave threat to free speech
- Republica: Media Action Nepal raises alarm over Social Media Bill
Media Action Nepal remains committed to defending press freedom and freedom of expression urging the GoN and the lawmakers to reconsider this restrictive legislation.