MAN bags Australian Grant for Media Development


Media Action Nepal (MAN)-has been awarded with the Australian Government’s grant to initiate dialogue between state organs and the media, and to encourage the media outlets to prioritize and play a critical role for effective functioning of the federalism.

The Australian Embassy in Nepal has awarded MAN for the project titled ‘Media in Federal Set Up: Enhancing the Capacity of Journalists for Provincial Legislature Reporting’. The Embassy received 228 applications of which 25 were short-listed for second round and 21 applicants including MAN have been selected for funding under the embassy’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) 2018-19.

MAN will implement this project in Baitadi, Bajhang and Kailai districts benefitting working journalists, lawmakers and local governments of the nine districts of the Province Number 7 (Far Western Province). A total of 100 journalists will be trained on parliamentary reporting to motivate them towards their effective role in implementation of the newly structured federal democratic system through journalism. MAN –a member of the Inclusive Media Campaign-advocates independent and accountable media and collaborates with numbers of international media rights groups for freedom of expression and press freedom.